The 12 Best John Cusack Movies of All Times

Soumya Nair

Written by Soumya Nair

Updated On September 25, 2023

John Cusack

You know about the vast family of Hollywood veterans, don’t you? Then you also must be aware of who comes from that family. Well, I know who I’m going to refer to; it’s John Cusack. One of the most prominent actors in Hollywood, with some mind-boggling Hollywood masterpieces. Here, you will get to know about the 10 best John Cusack movies of all time that you can begin to binge-watch this weekend. 

John is known to be the 80s lover boy who turned the whole dramatic genre in his favor during the time. Some might call him someone who has performed the same role over and over again, but the ones who truly appreciate him know his worth and what he is capable of. So here’s a list of top John Cusack movies you wouldn’t want to miss.

Love & Mercy (2005)

love and mercy

The movie is a biopic of the great Brian Wilson, where John and Paul teamed up to portray the last stages of his life and how he went through turmoil and mental overhaul over the years. The movie takes to a switch of timelines where one witnesses a younger Brian, played by Paul, quit touring to produce a timeless album of pet sounds, while there is an older Brain, played by Cusack, who is broken. This is psychologically trapped under controversial 24-hour therapy tactics from the doctor. 

Both characters were portrayed astonishingly, and their performances were brilliant in their own ways. No one would have done it better in any possible way.

IMDb Rating- 7.4/10Rotten Tomatoes- 90%

Watch Love & Mercy Trailer Here-

Better Off Dead (1985)

better off dead 

Occasionally, there’s a craving for goofy, cartoony comedy that we all crave. Well, Better Off Dead fits just right in to fulfill our craving for the same, plus, in its 80s comical way, isn’t it just perfect? Well, for me, it is. 

The story is about Lane Mayer, played by Cusack, who has a pretty weird family, his girlfriend recently breaks up with him, and he decides to attempt suicide afterward. However, his attempts are constantly thwarted by his careless family and friends in some odd ways. The movie portrays a message that only a few can grasp through its dark and goofy comedy.

IMDb Rating- 7.1/10Rotten Tomatoes- 77%

Watch Better Off Dead Trailer-

Con Air (1997)

con air

This one is considered one of the best Nicolas Cage movies of all time. The movie is about a former army ranger who is recently released from prison on parole so he can finally be with his wife and daughter. 

However, in order to reunite with them, he first has to surpass a flight full of super-max prisoners who have already planned an escape to Mexico. 

Cusack plays the role of agent Vincent, some might not consider his role as major but it is truly one of the masterpieces he has delivered to Hollywood.

IMDb Rating- 6.9/10Rotten Tomatoes- 58%

 Click For Con Air Trailer-

Grosse Pointe Blank (1997)

grosse pointe blank

This one is a blend of dark humor and romance, and Cusack has certainly blended in perfectly, so perfectly, that to date it is still one of Cusack’s best movies of all time.

The story is about Martin Blank, played by Cusack, who is a skilled yet flawed hitman and is now back in his town for 10 years after a high school reunion where he also meets his ex-flame; while being there only, he picks up another assignment. All this is while is also hunted by another hitman.

IMDb Rating- 7.3/10Rotten Tomatoes- 82%

Watch Grosse Pointe Blank Trailer Here-

High Fidelity (2000)

high fidelity

Some of you might be looking for it on the top since it is considered as the best movie of Cusack, well, I don’t deny the fact either. This movie literally gave birth to listening to pop music more and more. The interesting part is John even wrote a part of the movie in this screenplay. 

The movie is about Rob played by Cusack who is a self-deprecating, self-absorbed music snob who revisits his most memorable last 5 breakups which leads him to the multitude of another 5 breakups. Now that he is considerate to believe that he is doomed to rejection, he is oblivious to thinking of the life he could have had if he just opened his eyes.

IMDb Rating- 7.4/10Rotten Tomatoes- 91%

 Watch Here High Fidelity Trailer-

The Sure Thing (1985)

the sure thing

Have you ever watched a movie that had your experience of a sexual encounter so hard that you start to revamp your political views? The Sure Thing is a romantic comedy that rose up from the stereotypical comedy of its time and Cusack’s timing was surely commendable in all scenes. 

The story is about a college freshman who is ready to “get some” and his friend arranges a girl for him who surely wants him too. The catch here is that he has to drive all the way across the country with his classmate Allison, during the journey, his views, and opinions change a lot. 

IMDb Rating- 7/10Rotten Tomatoes- 86%

Click For The Sure Thing Trailer

The Butler (2013)

the butler 

This one is an epic biopic based on the life story of Eugene Allen, who was an American African butler who worked in the White House for over 34 years. Even though the actors chosen in the movies to portray various leaders weren’t really up to par, Cusack’s role as Richard Nixon was a treat to watch. His role as a laugh-worthy, comical leader who is dissolving before the nation’s eye was surely commendable.

IMDb Rating- 7.2/10Rotten Tomatoes- 71%

Watch Here The Butler Trailer-

2012 (2009)


Are you also one of those kids who were really afraid of the fact that the world will come to an end in December 2012? Well, I’m because I also believed in this movie and believed that we are all going to die in December 2012. 

It’s a science fiction disaster film based on the 2012 phenomenon. The movie followers where a geologist and a novelist escapes from place to place with their families in the hope to survive this epic disaster that has come over the world.

IMDb Rating- 5.8/10Rotten Tomatoes- 39%

Click Here For 2012 Trailer-

Say Anything (1989)

say anything 

Somewhat corny yet genius on its own, especially in the late 80s, this movie is certainly a gem. Not just that, Say Anything is one of the best romantic comedies to date. The story is about a scorer, a high school achiever who falls head over heels for Lloyds who is an underscore and doesn’t know what he truly wants until he finds love. 

The charm and the wonderful act by Cusack stole the whole limelight of the movie and became one of the best John Cusack movies of all time.

IMDb Rating- 7.3/10Rotten Tomatoes- 98%

Watch Say Anything Trailer Here-

Anastasia (1997)


An American animated musical fantasy film that I don’t think is talked about that much that it deserves to be. The story of the movie follows how the evil Rasputin puts a hex on the royal Romanov and young Anastasia while they disappear when their empire is being overrun. Years later, when Anastasia returns, the royal Duchess offers a reward. 

Now for that, two Russians choose an orphan girl who resembles the princess a lot. Now they bring her to Paris for the award while they are totally unaware of the fact she is the real princess only.

IMDb Rating- 7.1/10Rotten Tomatoes- 84%

Click Here For Anastasia Trailer-  

The Grifters (1990)

the grifter 

This one is about a hard-as-nails Lilly Dillon who works as a swindler for a dangerous bookie, and he is the only one she fears on the entire planet. Arriving in Los Angeles, Lilly looks for her son Roy, played by John Cusack who is a small-time con artist. 

The hustle of the three; Lily, Roy, and his girlfriend invites a hell lot of trouble that no one would have thought of. 

IMDb Rating- 6.9/10Rotten Tomatoes- 91%

Watch The Grifters Trailer Now

The Thin Red Line (1998)

The thin red line 

The story follows the tale of a group of young soldiers who face an unlikely battle at the Guadalcanal where they are fighting against all the odds just in order to survive and get through this. 

As the war progresses, they start to lose to each other while they are also still hoping to survive the war and get out of it successfully.

IMDb Rating- 7.6/10Rotten Tomatoes- 80%

Click Here For The Thin Red Line Trailer-

Author: Soumya Nair

Soumya Nair is an entertainment industry enthusiast who loves to write and bring in all the gossip and news to everyone interested. She always make sure to keep a keen eye on everything that goes behind the glam and glitter of the industry.

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